Weird Car Twitter

Meet Your Weird Car Twitter Cast: Our Agent in Argentina @GmoTriguero

As mentioned before, we have agents of #weirdcartwitter all over the globe. Like an interpol, obsessed with a common single focus: Weird Cars. Today, we go to south of the globe, to Argentina. Our man can find the cars you want in several countries and has a very good sense of taste about weird cars.

Our agent in Argentina goes by the name of Guillermo Triguero and you can find him at @GmoTriguero

And while he still struggles with finding the proper gendered bathroom from time to time, he can sure pick some amazing cars. Besides, who knew an Opel GT could go above 50MPH?  Never so happy as to when Messi brought the World Cup Home.

Let’s get to know our Agent in Argentina:

Which car were you driving when you got your first traffic ticket? what was the charge?

What vehicle you drove exactly a week ago? (no explanations, riding nothing is an answer. bike, tractor, skis, 4×4, trailer, tesla whatever vehicle you drove)
Confess your irrational car love – The car you love despite its deep flaws
Best Tweet:


Francisco Guerrero

Dad, Founder, Techie, Obsessed Car Guy, Web3 Groupie, and some sort of savant are names I've been called. Fleet total: 1,500HP Writes @JoinTheCaradise

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