Weird Car Twitter

Meet Your Weird Car Twitter Cast: A True Superhero @WillieDJenkins1

You could watch yet another bloated Marvel-DC-Disney+ stupid superhero movie, or meet the *real* superhero of #weirdcartwitter our friend in the Northwest, @WillieDJenkins1

The man that is like an automotive ‘The Equalizer’ (kids, ask your parents) where the needy and the desperate come to keep their wheels rolling, and maintain their livelihood,  the dignity and safety than only a car that can move safely on its own power can offer.

Willie never runs away from a battle, and has the wisdom to tell their clients when no solution is found, and when a new used car, is the best way. His last heroic battle was to raise money for some folks who desperately needed some wheels. He did it. The bastard did it.

When’s he’s not bustin’ his knuckles to a bloody pulp for a few hundred bucks, he loves to bake and get baked, in that order. Running the Jenkins Performance Automotive Empire is a 24 hour, 7 days a week commitment.

His best tweet ever was a profound commentary on our environment how we don’t seem to give a shit about Planet Earth – who knew? I’m telling you, dude is true hero.

Without further ado, we’re honored to have Willie at our humble car blog. Here he is, on his own words:

Which car were you driving when you got your first traffic ticket? what was the charge?

What vehicle you drove exactly a week ago? (no explanations, riding nothing is an answer. bike, tractor, skis, 4×4, trailer, tesla whatever vehicle you drove)
Confess your irrational car love – The car you love despite its deep flaws
I love my Mitsubishi mirage G4 dearly – (Editors note: 4 manufacturers agree Is a good car!)
Everyone loves a grudge, so tell us the car brand you will never drive again and why?
Give us your best tweet, Don’t be humble:
Thanks @WillieDJenkins1 – We leave you to run the Jenkins Automotive Empire and continue to be a hero for all of us.

Francisco Guerrero

Dad, Founder, Techie, Obsessed Car Guy, Web3 Groupie, and some sort of savant are names I've been called. Fleet total: 1,500HP Writes @JoinTheCaradise

One Comment

  1. I am honored and humbled to receive such recognition. I couldn’t do what I do without the support of good people like you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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