Weird Car Twitter

Meet Your Weird Car Twitter Cast: @2Fast2Finkel

One of the accounts I follow on the regular is Max, AKA @2Fast2Finkel. He always has incredible taste in cars and the re-posts he does are always on point. NSUs and Citroens are part of the cars always in his mind.  Plus, he always provides poignant political commentary.

Without further ado, here is Max in his own words:

Which car were you driving when you got your first traffic ticket? what was the charge?

I was driving my 98 Subaru Outback. I ran a red light (going west at sundown so give me a break)

What vehicle you drove exactly a week ago? (no explanations needed, riding nothing is an answer. bike, tractor, skis, 4×4, trailer, tesla whatever vehicle you drove)

I drove my Volvo V60

Confess your irrational car love – The car you love despite its deep flaws

It is the Citroen M35 (I had to look it up, is the small Citroen Coupe, very nice!)

citroenm35 02
citroenm35 02 – Photo Credit: Secret Classics

Everyone loves a grudge, so tell us the car brand you will never drive again and why?

That would be 2000-present Nissan (agreed, except for the GT-R)

Give us your best tweet, Dont be humble.

Thank you for joining us at The Caradise Max!

Francisco Guerrero

Dad, Founder, Techie, Obsessed Car Guy, Web3 Groupie, and some sort of savant are names I've been called. Fleet total: 1,500HP Writes @JoinTheCaradise

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