Car Media

Bunch ‘o Smartass Tweets from Carmel-by-the-sea on Friday of Car Week

Caradise Celebrates Monterey Car Week and Pebble Beach

Last weekend I was too early, and Friday after work (and what would be a 1 hour ride was 2hrs and 15min thanks to the horrible Bay Area traffic) was a bit too late, but it still was enjoyable.

Made it to Carmel-by-the-Sea by 7pm, and the main ‘street’ where all the fancy cars prance around had been closed already by the Carmel Cops…so I had to park 4 blocks away, and walk the tough streets of Carmel and their $5MM dollar homes to Ocean drive, where the main hang-around is.

I still enjoyed the scene and the couple of hours left before darkness arrived, the old folks judging cars gave me the thumbs up. The number of McLarens and Lotuses with Manufacturer plates was innumerable.

Enjoy some tweets for today, and lets hope I can attend Dawn Patrol this year on Sunday. (Peasant version as always) Some more pics later!


Francisco Guerrero

Dad, Founder, Techie, Obsessed Car Guy, Web3 Groupie, and some sort of savant are names I've been called. Fleet total: 1,500HP Writes @JoinTheCaradise

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