Weird Car Twitter

Meet Your Weird Car Twitter Cast Members: Tyson Jominy and Why All Cars Go to Heaven

We start a new series on meeting the cast of “lovable and eccentric” characters of our small, obsessed, and cozy corner of Twitter, where the inmates run the asylum. Our self-named community of “weird car twitter” is made of many cast members. Let’s get to know each other just a bit more!

How it works: I send you via twitter these 5 questions and get your answers. Everyone answers the same question Then, I’ll share them via The Caradise Blog and pass around like those old chain good-luck letters.

1- Which car were you driving when you got your first traffic ticket? what was the charge?

2- What vehicle you drove exactly a week ago? (no explanations, riding nothing is an answer. bike, tractor, skis, skateboard, 4×4, trailer, Tesla, VinFast, Lambo, whatever vehicle you drove)

3- Confess your irrational car love – The car you love despite its deep flaws

4- Everyone loves a grudge, so tell us the car brand you will never drive again and why?

5- Give us your best tweet, Don’t be humble:

and Who do you pick to go next and answer these questions from weird car twitter?

For the Inaugural entry, we have a true treat. I’m sure this person is not a stranger to accusations of accidental paternity. But it is probably a first to be accused of the accidental paternity of a car blog. But the legend tells the tale how, deep in the toxic wasteland of all bad car related ideas, weird car twitter, the Gollum of my car addicted brain got a hold of the ring one dark and stormy night, replying to a tweet. Was I high or drunk, or both? Was destiny’s golden hand making its presence?

This happened while our guest was grokking some deep ‘Cars’ cinematic universe Talmudic ruminations. The kind of deep thoughts Jason Torchinsky and him trade to start fatwa wars amongst the “Cars” faithful for years. I replied with a throw-away joke. It got inside my brain. And now I have an entire car blog to run.

Caradise Birth Certificate
Evidence in our Paternity Suit

Let the record state he got ten likes and my reply tweet got 2, so I obviously took it as a clear signal from the car gods and the social media crowds to start a car blog.

So, without further ado – First among equals and the man with the Power; Technically the J.D. Power. Our man in Nashville: Tyson Jominy. Known to us as @Tyson_jominy – Here are his answers:

1. First ticket was in a 92 Jeep Wrangler for doing 80 or +15. I tried to explain the impossibility of getting the 2.5L 123hp 4-cyl to those speeds, but he wasn’t listening. The officer pulled a 180° in the median through the grass “Duke of Hazzard” style to catch me so he was committed to the ticket before meeting my affable face.

2. One week ago I was driving a Ford Edge rented from National in Detroit

3. I get excited about all kinds of weird cars, however, the one I lose my mind over is the Lincoln Blackwood. It was so dumb in its day, and time has not solved it’s mystery why it was ever built. Story for another time, I could have been fired from Ford for the things I said about it at a meeting with executives.

4. I work with every OEM so I can’t pick a fight by saying I will never own another brand. Every company makes some excellent products and some really terrible ones. I’m a firm believer that all cars go to heaven

5- My best tweet was auto deleted (picture is attached). It was like 6:30 on Saturday morning so I went to Dunkin and as I pulled up the window I was met with a costumed employee. With a bit of luck in the timing, I was able to capture the moment I was handed the coffee. The tweet: Way too early in the morning for this shit

Way too early for this shit
Way too early for this shit

Who do you want to bless (torture) next with these questions?

Let’s send it over to Zerin next!

Thank You Tyson! As for the insulting accusations and rumors other car blogs are whispering sotto-voce that we are doing this interview for paid sponsorships and/or a potential acquisition from J.D. Power’s Digital Empire. I say, How Dare You, sir? (But we obviously wouldn’t say no to that, So hit us up bruv) 

PS – We’re still working on that ‘Cars’ article Tyson, creating highly rendered digital 3-D models of the Cars Coliseum and several A.I. models to find your answer. The computing power required is not cheap, y’know?

PSS- Psst, Tyson, How do we nominate ourselves for the ‘J.D. Power and Associates’ Best Car Blog Quality Award of 2023?

Francisco Guerrero

Dad, Founder, Techie, Obsessed Car Guy, Web3 Groupie, and some sort of savant are names I've been called. Fleet total: 1,500HP Writes @JoinTheCaradise

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